
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Encouragement from Exhaustion

This past week, I was given the opportunity to participate with my fellow CCM student leaders in student welcome week at George Mason. Affectionately (and often exasperatedly) referred to as the "First 168", this week is the most jam packed of any week that we have during the school year in terms of outreach, promotion, and building new friendships with new students.

As the week wraps up, and I look back at the exhausting first seven days, it's really easy to think about how tired I really am. It's easy to think of all the awkward moments, unanswered phone calls, scathing looks, and people that outright ignore you. We all went through periods of fear, fatigue, frustration, anger, and all of us have all let out the big exasperated sigh after being rejected by someone we thought we made a connection with. All of this has brought us to a single conclusion:


Despite every failure and every awkward moment, God showed through. Despite every bad joke and weird look, God showed through. His glory permeated every single moment of the week and absolutely allowed us to do work that we would never have been able to on our own. God's spirit overcame us and overshadowed us. Amazing work was done, and continues to be done

We had 1200 people at our freshman luau, our 10pm Sunday Mass and Thursday Night Supper were packed with people, and we have literally hundreds of freshman looking into joining Bible Studies and RCIA. We would never have been able to do that without Him. Honestly, I witnessed the Holy Spirit taking over every single person, allowing them to speak in tongues and reach each person in a unique way. We were the loaves, multiplied to feed the crowds. We were the fishers of men, casting our nets into the deep

We still have a lot of work to do, but there is an encouragement found in this past week that will keep us going throughout the coming months and the coming year. God has amazing plans for each person on the Student Ministry Team, and for every person we met. I look forward to seeing what God does over the course of the semester. Praise be to God, our Light and our Guide.

May the Lord, our God, bless us
St Joseph, model of manhood, pray for us

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