
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

When the Saints Go Marching In...

I had a conversation with a good friend today. We started by listening to a bunch of music, and then, being the super cool people we are, we got onto the topic of what the legacy of the Church in the early 21st century was going to be. My thought process was that we have so much music and art from hundreds of years ago which just exemplifies the prominence and the beauty of the Church in those days. I just didn't think that we had that. "We're leaving nothing behind for future generations.", I said.

But then we got to thinking. The world we live in today is so tumultuous, and the world has rarely ever looked so poorly on the Church as they do today. We've have priestly scandals, a devaluation of marriage and family,and a disrespect for life among so many other things. But then the thought came up that changed everything: God only allows for such evil to exist because it has so much potential for good. It's a two way street!

A realization hit us that the world we live in today may be in turmoil, but that turmoil comes from a battle that's going on between great evil, and even greater good. Think for a moment. Every problem that faces our world is being counteracted by forces of equal or greater good. The priestly scandal was going on while even greater young priests and religious, who were on fire in their faith, were being ordained and are now taking a leadership role in the Church. Marriage may be threatened by society, but Pope John Paul II's "Theology of the Body" is taking the world by storm, helping men and women to form strong Catholic marriages and families. The culture of death is being overtaken by an even more enthusiastic youth culture that has a zeal to protect and preserve life. The list goes on and on!

We live in dark times, but we belong to a Church that is fighting back with everything she has. Not only that,  but she's winning! I foresee a litany of saints and prophets, priests and religious, theologians and evangelists coming from this generation and setting this world ablaze. We are at a turning point in our Church's history that will shake the very foundations of this earth, showing once and for all that we are the Church Militant, and we have a mission to complete. I envision a procession of life and love lead worldwide by great saints of our time; the likes of John Paul II and Mother Theresa. These and many others will carry the banner of our Lord, changing this world forever.

Before time, Lucifer was the brightest of all the angels, and fell irredeemably away from God. He had the potential for amazing good, and it was because of this potential that he was able to fall into such evil. Our world has the same potential for good, but it has fallen. The difference is that we HAVE been redeemed, and we CAN live our potential. We are now, and will continue to change this world for the better.

What will our legacy be? I think that our legacy will be that of a generation who stood up and took up the mantle of Christ Victorious. Our legacy is and will be stronger than any before us. In the 20th century, there were more martyrs than and other century before the. The blood of these brave men and women is the seed of the Church. The reward of their courage is the new springtime of which JPII spoke so enthusiastically. We are that springtime. Take courage. Live in hope.

May our Lord God bless us
St. Joseph, model of manliness pray for us.

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