
Friday, March 18, 2011

Where, Oh Where...

An article last month in the Wall Street Journal documented a shocking shift in our society (link posted at the bottom). Apparently, according to the author, men in their 20's are living a kind of extended adolescence. Men are living a sort of aged frat boy lifestyle which avoids any type of the real commitment and responsibility that men 40 years ago embraced at a much younger age. These men would rather sit around at night and play video games than do anything of substance, and would rather go to Vegas with the boys than spend time with a significant other.

This article, while somewhat bitter, speaks to a real problem. Men are refusing to be men. The idea of a family is abhorrent and seemingly far off to many, and the thought of actively pursuing a career takes a backseat to living the college frat boy lifestyle for as long as possible. And, worst of all, our culture is not only accepting this reality, but encouraging it. In the meantime, society is left to flounder for a lack of authority and responsibility among a demographic that should be carrying this country forward.

The Lord, at the beginning of time, told Adam to "fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen 1:28). He gave Adam, as a man, the unique opportunity and responsibility to rule the earth, and to protect all that inhabited it. As we know, he failed to protect his bride from the enemy, and as a result we are all marked with his sin. Brothers, we are given the same opportunity and responsibility to protect this world, but instead we have decided to follow the example of our first father, Adam. As men, we absolutely cannot refuse to take up our yoke and protect this world, and everything in it. Everything from the smallest children, to the beautiful women who's attention we try so hard to attract. This cannot happen if we decide to take the easy way out and sit around drinking and playing video games instead of stepping up and making real decisions. This world is falling into chaos as a direct result of men refusing to be men. It's time for a change.

My name is Perry. I'm a 20 year old college student in Northern Virginia, and I've decided to write this blog as a catholic man trying to live life to it's fullest in a college setting. I am lucky enough to be surrounded by a brotherhood of other men who are seeking the same end, but not everyone is so lucky. We need to encourage and challenge our fellow men to step up and be what we were created to be. I hope that in the following posts I can support the cause in the best way possible.

May the all power Lord bless us.
St. Joseph, true example of manhood, pray for us.

Where have all the Real Men Gone:

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